Advanced Broadcast Media (Red Devil News) (Period 1 A)

2016-2017 School Year

Assignment Calendar

Course Description

Broadcast  Production

Course Description:  This course provides instruction to enhance competencies in various communication, media, production, and technical functions and tasks performed by employees in radio/TV broadcasting and telecommunications occupations. In addition to developing students' media literacy, the course will include technical instruction in all facets of producing mass-media messages. Students will learn advanced operations and procedures for television equipment, production techniques on the studio equipment, news-gathering and story development, post-production, and engineering for television, as well as learning all aspects of all roles in the television studio (director, technical director, producer, audio engineer, CG operator, teleprompter operator, floor director, camera operator, anchor person, technical engineer, et. al.). Instruction is followed by application projects. Students prepare for a career path in journalism by leading the school’s broadcast media staff, improving upon the techniques required to produce Evanston High School’s daily news program.

This class requires an extremely high level of responsibility. You will be using expensive, delicate equipment. Your behavior will directly impact our broadcasting program and your personal grade.


The goal of this course is to present an overview of the broadcast industry with plenty of hands-on projects. Students should gain confidence and understanding in various communication situations, including Red Devil News each morning.

What's most important?

Succeeding in this class is not difficult if you can do THESE KEY THINGS:

  • Take appropriate video and/or photographs. Respect privacy issues when publishing videos and photographs.
  • Please refrain from playing video games, text messaging, emailing, or Facebook during class.
  • Unkind words and actions toward others and yourself will not be tolerated.
  • There is no food or drink permitted near the computers in class.
  • Since this is a laboratory class that gives access to expensive video equipment, you must assume a professional attitude and demeanor when you enter the Video Technology Center and when you are using the school’s equipment.
  • Broadcast students must keep a positive attitude, respect other people, the equipment and furnishings.
  • Listen carefully to other students, potential or actual subjects, teachers, etc.
  • Know and follow all school procedures and rules.
  • Use fieldwork time appropriately.
  • If you realize this class is just as important as your other classes and treat it as such, you will do well.

Equipment and Handling

The production equipment (cameras, microphones, computers, etc.) receive a pretty heavy workload throughout the year and can be expected to receive some standard wear and tear along the way.  However, please be mindful and respectful of the value of these professional tools.  We’re lucky to have the facility we’re afforded, so treat it accordingly.  When just one piece of equipment is damaged, the entire program suffers.


  1. Understand and utilize proper file formats
    1. Create and compress digital video files, photographs and audio files in various formats.
  2. Computer Basics
    1. Understand and use computer operating systems
    2. Understand file organization
    3. Use supporting application
    4. Employ troubleshooting techniques
  3. Digital Video Editing
    1. Apply proper transition, edits, titles, effects, media and output control
    2. Understand and demonstrate Montage and Continuity editing scenarios.
  4. Digital Audio Production - advanced
    1. Utilize various Audio file formats
    2. Download internet audio files from open-source sites
    3. Record and edit voice narration
    4. Utilize multiple audio tracks in a project


  • All work in this class must be your own. Plagiarism is use of another's ideas, words, artwork, video, or photograph without the proper attribution and/or permissions.



Skill development in producing and editing video and sound for multimedia productions. Emphasis on the capture, editing, and outputting of video using a desktop digital video workstation.

This is a flipped classroom.  You should watch the tutorials and work on quizzes outside of class.  This allows you to class time to work directly on the projects.

The video project may be shot outside of school, but must be edited in school * Please note you will get the best footage outside of school. Some projects may include a still sequence, stop motion animation, music video, newscast, documentary, and an experimental film.

Course Projects

First Semester

  1. Photoshop Lettering
  2. Photoshop Animation
  3. Photoshop Green Screen Background
  4. RDN Log Photoshop
  5. Video Footage
  6. Set for Show
  7. Pledge
  8. Credit
  9. PSA Clip
  10. Random Clip



  1. RDN Logo (PS)
  2. Pledge
  3. Set for show
  4. Credit
  5. Person of Interest
  6. Interview
  7. Interview
  8. PSA
  9. Video w/Green Screen
  10. Voice Over
  11. Event Add

Course Content:

Camera and Composition

  1. The functions and proper handling of cameras, cases, batteries, tripods, dollies, and microphones.
  2. The proper framing and application of various camera shots and angles.
  3. The purpose and application of compositional elements.
  4. Camera movement techniques.
  5. Identification and application of aesthetic techniques.
  6. Pre Production planning strategies.
  7. Television script cues.
  8. Interviewing techniques for video
  9. Audio Equipment
  10. Digital Video Camera
  11. Advanced software application
  • Establishing shot
  • Medium shot
  • Close-up
  • Extreme Close-up
  • Bust shot
  • Macro shot
  • Over the shoulder shot
  • Cross shot
  • Long shot
  • Tilted shot
  • Unstable horizon shot
  • Framing
  • Headroom
  • Backgrounds
  • Depth of Field
  • Leading Lines
  • Level of Action
  • Lead Room/Nose Room
  • Panning
  • Tilting
  • Trucking
  • Dollying
  • Zooming
  • Light
  • Space
  • Time/Motion
  • Sound
  • Shot lists
  • Storyboarding
  • Prop lists
  • Shot sequence development
  • Scripts
  • Utilize condenser and dynamic microphones properly
  • Setup audio equipment properly for variety of applications in video production
  • Understand and identify the various aspect of a digital camera
  • Demonstrate the ability to use the camera operating manual. Set-up and properly use a video camera
  • Adobe Creative Suite