

The purpose of the common intellectual mission at Evanston High School is to prepare all students for success in 21st century colleges, careers and citizenship. A common intellectual mission defines and operationalizes the expectations for learning for all students and what a diploma from Evanston High means.

The common intellectual mission for Evanston High School encompasses a set of 21st century outcomes that all students will need for success in the 21st century and will possess upon graduation. These include:

21st Century Themes

Definition: Students acquire and advance their knowledge to address issues and dilemmas for a better, just society. This includes for example:

  1. global awareness - students show an understanding of local and global issues, diversity, cultures and their impact on individuals, groups and better, just societies.
  2. economic literacy - students show how economics and economic choices impact individuals and society in the creation of a better, just society.
  3. civic literacy - students participate in and show an understanding of civic (group, community, state, national, international)  decisions leading toward a better, just society.
  4. health/wellness - students show an understanding of personal, public health issues in the creation of a better, just society.

Learning and Innovation Skills

Definition: The ability to effectively reason, critique and use knowledge in innovative ways to solve real issues and dilemmas. This includes:

  1. creativity and innovation - students show originality, inventiveness, and open-mindedness when acting on issues and developing solutions.
  2. critical thinking - students incorporate reasoning, perspectives, and interconnections while finding, framing and synthesizing issues and dilemmas.
  3. communication - students show clear effective thinking in speaking and writing.
  4. collaboration - students effectively work together by compromising, establishing common goals, and sharing responsibility.
  5. reflection -  students publicly self-evaluate their own thinking and learning.

Core Subjects

Definition: Understanding the core “big idea(s)” of each discipline in relation to understanding one’s self and the world around us to solve real issues and problems. Core subjects are always supported by a strong literacy foundation. This includes:

  • English
  • Math
  • Science
  • Social Science
  • Foreign Language
  • Career/Technical Education
  • Fine Arts
  • Physical Education/Health

Information, Media and Technology Skills

Definition: The ability to use functional and critical thinking skills related to technology, media and the management of information to solve real issues and dilemmas. This includes:

  1. information literacy - students can access, evaluate and use relevant information.
  2. media literacy - students understand how the media convey messages and how media influence behavior and ethical issues.
  3. technology literacy -  students use technology as a tool to
    1. research, organize, evaluate and communicate information.
    2. inventively solve issues and dilemmas.

Life and Career Skills

Definition: The ability to manage oneself and navigate complex life and work environments with accountability to self and others. This includes:

  1. Flexibility and adaptability
  2. Initiative and Self-Direction
  3. Social/Cross cultural skills
  4. Productivity and accountability
  5. Leadership and accountability
  6. 6 Pillars of Character
    1. Trustworthiness
    2. Respect
    3. Responsibility
    4. Fairness
    5. Caring
    6. Citizenship