EHS Fine Arts Department
Current Teaching Assignments:
Vocal Jazz 1
Vocal Jazz 2
Men's Choir
Women's Choir
Beginning Acoustic Guitar
EHS All-School Musical
Google Classroom Student Access Codes:
Men's Choir: yw9t60
Women's Choir: urwwnk
Chorale: oeobja4
Vocal Jazz 1: n9ubxou
Vocal Jazz 2: u2j7d5
Guitar: cpjdvy7
Colleges and Degrees:
1993 - Graduated from Rawlins High School
1998 - Hastings College, Hastings NE
Bachelor's of Music in Vocal Performance
Bachelor's of Music in Music Education
Minor in English
2006 - University of Wyoming, Laramie WY
Master's of Arts in Music Education
2008 - National Board Certified Teacher
Past Teaching Assignments - 1998-2015
Evanston Middle School Choir